For more information on how we can help build your licensing business, contact Woody Browne
Audio Interview
Woody explains how "leasing" a brand can help grow your business.
What is Building Q?
Building Q is comprised of a staff of experienced professionals, who understand both sides of the licensor/licensee relationship and who have strong backgrounds in licensing, marketing and merchandising. Together, we understand that a license will only be successful if it is matchedup appropriately with the right target segment and product line.
We can develop a strategic plan of categories/manufacturers that makes sense for your company’s specific program, whether you are new to licensing or already have an established infrastructure.
How we can help you
We provide both big picture assessments and the small details that enable a licensor to develop a strong program, given their internal resources. We have worked with all types of properties and licensors and understand the process and what needs to be done to create a success. The one thing we do not do is act as “agents” and sell the property.
We provide the marketing strategy, on-going advice and the tools to make you knowledgeable.